A Nouvo Story In Bermuda
Island with Jenny Mayo
One of my new found freedoms of life in Bermuda
has been the release from the boredom, stress, frustration, and wasted time of
car traffic. I used to love driving --
growing up in Saskatchewan
driving was initially the new freedom which allowed one to expand not just
horizons, but hobbies and friendships.
Once in Edmonton,
driving afforded convenience and flexibility...but more and more it meant time
stuck in traffic, knuckle-whitening death grips on the wheel on icy roads in
the winter and knucklehead drivers to avoid in the summer....makes me tense up
just thinking about it. Driving
remained a tool to keep expanding those horizons, hobbies, and friendships, but
during the winter months it could add 2 hours to the work day, plus the initial
trek out to the car in darkness and temperatures of -20C to -30C to start the
car, scrape the windshield, and remove the snowfall coating the entire car. In retrospect...what a horrible way to start
a day. But a fact of life...in Canada.